Lapsed patients

In order to make sure that we are making the most of the limited resources we have to provide NHS dental care we are constantly reviewing our active patient lists.

If you are an NHS patient who has not been to the practice for some time after their last check-up was due you may be removed from our active patients list and marked as lapsed. This means you will need to join our waiting list to be seen in the Practice again on the NHS.

How do I know what my recall frequency is?

Your recall frequency will be discussed at your most recent check-up and can vary from visit to visit depending on your dental need.

It is important that you make a note of this and either book in for your next check-up as you leave or make a diary note to call us when you are next due.

We do have some mechanisms to remind you when your next appointment is due however this is an extra service we provide. It should be seen as one of a few ways to remember when your next check-up is due and can not be relied up.

Falling lapsed because we did not contact you is not a valid reason to be reinstated as active in the Practice.

Why do we do this?

This allows us to make the most of the limited resources we have to provide NHS dental care.

How can I help try and prevent becoming a lapsed patients?

We would advise the following:

Make a note of your recall timeline immediately after your appointment so it is fresh in your mind.

Book in for your next check-up as you leave the Practice even if it is 9 months ahead.

Make sure your contact details are up to date with us (mobile and email).

Do you try and contact us?

We will try and contact you if we have up-to-date contact information however it is not always and so you should not rely on this as the only means of remembering your check-up is due.

Do I have to follow the advice of the dentist regarding recalls?

No, you don’t. However, we would always recommend that you do follow the advice of your dentist.

If you chose not to do this then it increases the chance that you may become a lapsed patient and that we will be unable to see you on the NHS.

What can I do if I feel I have been unjustly removed from your NHS active patients list?

You can write to the Practice Manager to explain your unique circumstances by email at or via post.

We will not discuss lapsed patient queries on the phone.